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    Insegnamenti - Cds Molecular Biotechnology 2022/2023


     Insegnamento  Codice Aula Virtuale CFU   Docente
    1° anno - I semestre
    Biotechnological industrial processes  3  Zaccariello Lucio
    Cellular biochemistry  6  Pedone Paolo V.
    Clinical biochemistry  6  Usiello Alessandro
    Industrial biochemistry and biotechnology



     Alfano Alberto
     Schiraldi Chiara
    Molecular microbiology  6  Cortese Mirko
    Scientific english   fmfpf93  5  Caraglia Giuseppina
    1° anno - II semestre

    Analysis of the structure and mechanism controlling

    the cell function




    De Luca Anna Chiara

    Italiani Paola

    Valente Carmen

    Biomolecular structure determination by NMR

    and X-RAY




    Fattorusso Roberto
    Iacovino Rosa
    Russo Luigi

    Cellular and molecular neurobiology and

    neuropathology (elective course)

     4 Colucci D'Amato GL

    Innovative methods and models to study

    genetic diseases



    Gianfrancesco F.

    Prisco Antonella

    Interaction and stability of macromolecules  2 Salvestrini Stefano
    Laboratory of molecular biology (elective course)   4 Potenza Nicoletta
    2° anno - I semestre
    Design of bioactive compounds



    Saviano Michele

     Vitagliano Luigi

    Human genetics



    Riccio Andrea
    Sparago Angela
    Medical genetics




    Nigro Vincenzo

    Karali Marianthi

    Morleo Manuela Anna

    Molecular pathology and immunology  8 Grieco Michele
    Pharmacotherapeutics and biopharmaceuticals




    D'Agostino Bruno
    De Angelis Antonella
    Palazzo Enza
    Synthesis of bioactive compounds  2 Zaccaro Laura
    2° anno - II semestre
    Anatomic pathology  6 Baldi Alfonso

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